Kindree Kindies

Exploring Together

Investigating superheroes

Wow what an exciting and engaging day!

This morning, we started off discussing Superheroes from a critical lens. Students shared their favourite superheroes, a few students shared theirs on chart paper.image image image

Then, we discussed “fiction” or characters that they would typically see on television, apps, video games etc. compared to everyday superheroes that they would engage with everyday such as parents. We discussed what fictional characters do such as protecting, keeping safe and being good. All students made the connection that their real heroes were moms and dads. As well, students began to notice gender differences in the number of male superheroes compared to female characters. Very important, in my opinion, for these young learners to notice and identify the implicit meaning that are present when playing with these popular toys.
We watched a video about a modern day superhero…and we discussed why we thought this person was extraordinary.

Students then moved to explore action figures, comic books and other texts that our ECE student teacher, Mrs. Saima William brought into the class. Students then were invited to make their own bobble head dolls, pokemon cards, masks and capes to create a new superhero. Students created characters ranging from super girl, super butterfly girl, green man etc. To say that they were not beyond engaged would be an understatement.

This was our morning.

The afternoon consisted of the students going to music class and then returning to our classroom to create and design dragons for Chinese New Year or the Lunar New Year. Have a look at your child’s creation. Most of their dragons were given names, they are very proud of that they have created.
This was followed up with a parade by a few students.

As well, students have expressed interest in hockey so we created a hockey rink area in the classroom with audience stands, a canteen, jerseys for kids to wear (thanks Mrs. Lynch) and mini hockey sticks to play. As well, Miss McGing has been investigating culture, diversity and identity. Students have talked about the poem “I am From” which looks at symbols and items that makes us who we are. Students have started to create art, research and create documentation of their own cultural identities.
I hope this helps with conversations around the home and making you aware of your child’s day and learning

Thanks for your support,




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