Kindree Kindies

Exploring Together

Persuasive Writing Texts

redisbestpigeon dogpigeonneedsabathant

Today we explored “persuasive writing” texts where kids learned how these books were written to try and convince them of something, a feeling or an opportunity to listen to another point of view.
In “Hey Little Ant”: the children outside have been noticing ants.  So, I decided to present this text.  In the story, the boy is confronted with the dilemma to squish the any with his foot or to listen to the ant’s point of view and be convinced to let the ant live.  We discussed different points of view and listening to our friends before making decisions.
Ask your child…squish or not to squish? but ask them why…
In the text, “The Pigeon Needs a Bath”, Mo Willems writes a funny and engaging text where the Pigeon is trying to convince the reader to not make him take a bath.  This persuasive text, the kids find very funny.
Ask your child…did the pigeon like taking a bath when he eventually got in the tub?
Literacy Development is facilitated by and through “talking” about texts and making connections between texts and their own lives.  We discussed times when they have tried to convince you parents about staying up late, having a treat or going to a store. We discussed about trying to backup or support our arguments with evidence of why?
We continued to explore persuasive argument texts as we read “The Pigeon wants a Puppy” and then the classic “Red is Best”.
          Students then created their own “_____ is Best” Book.  Students were asked to pick a colour and an item that they could connect with.  Students then created a poster to be added to the book.
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